PIREP Review Wall
Flight Operations | Pakistan International Airlines Virtual © 2024

Points Distribution

Criteria Points
Good Landing
Distance between 0-2000NM
Pushback Detected from gate
Points for performing flight from base
Flaps retracted before Parking
Engine 2 Started First
Engines Shutdown detected
Flight Length - Hours Between 0 and 2 hours
Flown Online on VATSIM

Points Ratings

5 / 5

Total Points : 275

PIREP Rating

On the edge captain, we dont compromise on our safety, and efficiency! Watch it please

100 %


11 % $


73 %

Landing Smoothness



PIREP Comments

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smartCARS version, 2023/9/4 UTC
[12:35:23] Preflight started, flying on VATSIM
[12:35:23] Flying Boeing777Extended Pakistan Airlines
[12:40:02] Fuel quantity increased to 2425 kg from 2000 kg
[12:40:03] Fuel quantity increased to 2599 kg from 1844 kg
[12:40:05] Fuel quantity increased to 3352 kg from 2599 kg
[12:40:06] Fuel quantity increased to 3158 kg from 2299 kg
[12:40:08] Fuel quantity increased to 3941 kg from 3158 kg
[12:40:09] Fuel quantity increased to 3625 kg from 2859 kg
[12:40:11] Fuel quantity increased to 4378 kg from 3625 kg
[12:40:12] Fuel quantity increased to 4110 kg from 3352 kg
[12:40:13] Fuel quantity increased to 4867 kg from 4110 kg
[12:40:15] Fuel quantity increased to 4600 kg from 3846 kg
[12:40:16] Fuel quantity increased to 5366 kg from 4600 kg
[12:40:18] Fuel quantity increased to 5098 kg from 4334 kg
[12:40:19] Fuel quantity increased to 5868 kg from 5098 kg
[12:40:20] Fuel quantity increased to 5606 kg from 4825 kg
[12:40:22] Fuel quantity increased to 6390 kg from 5606 kg
[12:40:23] Fuel quantity increased to 6109 kg from 5335 kg
[12:40:25] Fuel quantity increased to 6890 kg from 6109 kg
[12:40:26] Fuel quantity increased to 6611 kg from 5841 kg
[12:40:28] Fuel quantity increased to 7381 kg from 6611 kg
[12:40:29] Fuel quantity increased to 7106 kg from 6340 kg
[12:40:30] Fuel quantity increased to 7860 kg from 7106 kg
[12:40:32] Fuel quantity increased to 7594 kg from 6836 kg
[12:40:33] Fuel quantity increased to 8355 kg from 7594 kg
[12:40:35] Fuel quantity increased to 8085 kg from 7327 kg
[12:40:36] Fuel quantity increased to 8842 kg from 8085 kg
[12:40:37] Fuel quantity increased to 8573 kg from 7820 kg
[12:40:39] Fuel quantity increased to 9322 kg from 8573 kg
[12:40:40] Fuel quantity increased to 9062 kg from 8301 kg
[12:40:42] Fuel quantity increased to 9813 kg from 9062 kg
[12:40:43] Fuel quantity increased to 9554 kg from 8795 kg
[12:40:44] Fuel quantity increased to 10306 kg from 9554 kg
[12:40:46] Fuel quantity increased to 10038 kg from 9286 kg
[12:40:47] Fuel quantity increased to 10789 kg from 10038 kg
[12:40:49] Fuel quantity increased to 10525 kg from 9772 kg
[12:40:50] Fuel quantity increased to 11281 kg from 10525 kg
[12:40:51] Fuel quantity increased to 11021 kg from 10257 kg
[12:40:53] Fuel quantity increased to 11772 kg from 11021 kg
[12:40:54] Fuel quantity increased to 11510 kg from 10750 kg
[12:40:55] Fuel quantity increased to 12262 kg from 11510 kg
[12:40:57] Fuel quantity increased to 11996 kg from 11242 kg
[12:40:58] Fuel quantity increased to 12761 kg from 11996 kg
[12:41:00] Fuel quantity increased to 12486 kg from 11732 kg
[12:41:01] Fuel quantity increased to 13236 kg from 12486 kg
[12:41:02] Fuel quantity increased to 12975 kg from 12217 kg
[12:41:04] Fuel quantity increased to 13732 kg from 12975 kg
[12:41:05] Fuel quantity increased to 13468 kg from 12710 kg
[12:41:07] Fuel quantity increased to 14216 kg from 13468 kg
[12:41:08] Fuel quantity increased to 13959 kg from 13199 kg
[12:41:09] Fuel quantity increased to 14717 kg from 13959 kg
[12:41:11] Fuel quantity increased to 14448 kg from 13691 kg
[12:41:12] Fuel quantity increased to 15195 kg from 14448 kg
[12:41:14] Fuel quantity increased to 14934 kg from 14173 kg
[12:41:15] Fuel quantity increased to 15689 kg from 14934 kg
[12:41:16] Fuel quantity increased to 15426 kg from 14669 kg
[12:41:18] Fuel quantity increased to 16175 kg from 15426 kg
[12:41:19] Fuel quantity increased to 15906 kg from 15156 kg
[12:41:21] Fuel quantity increased to 16654 kg from 15906 kg
[12:41:22] Fuel quantity increased to 16395 kg from 15641 kg
[12:41:23] Fuel quantity increased to 17145 kg from 16395 kg
[12:41:25] Fuel quantity increased to 16881 kg from 16127 kg
[12:41:26] Fuel quantity increased to 17633 kg from 16881 kg
[12:41:28] Fuel quantity increased to 17366 kg from 16616 kg
[12:41:29] Fuel quantity increased to 18123 kg from 17366 kg
[12:41:30] Fuel quantity increased to 17857 kg from 17104 kg
[12:41:32] Fuel quantity increased to 18617 kg from 17857 kg
[12:41:33] Fuel quantity increased to 18350 kg from 17595 kg
[12:41:34] Fuel quantity increased to 19100 kg from 18350 kg
[12:41:36] Fuel quantity increased to 18831 kg from 18081 kg
[12:41:37] Fuel quantity increased to 19571 kg from 18831 kg
[12:41:39] Fuel quantity increased to 19318 kg from 18565 kg
[12:41:40] Fuel quantity increased to 20071 kg from 19318 kg
[12:41:41] Fuel quantity increased to 19811 kg from 19052 kg
[12:41:43] Fuel quantity increased to 20563 kg from 19811 kg
[12:41:44] Fuel quantity increased to 20294 kg from 19542 kg
[12:41:46] Fuel quantity increased to 21051 kg from 20294 kg
[12:41:47] Fuel quantity increased to 20837 kg from 20027 kg
[12:41:49] Fuel quantity increased to 21603 kg from 20837 kg
[12:41:50] Fuel quantity increased to 21309 kg from 20539 kg
[12:41:53] Fuel quantity increased to 21896 kg from 21034 kg
[12:41:54] Fuel quantity increased to 22672 kg from 21896 kg
[12:41:56] Fuel quantity increased to 22328 kg from 21561 kg
[12:41:57] Fuel quantity increased to 23087 kg from 22328 kg
[12:41:59] Fuel quantity increased to 22836 kg from 22058 kg
[12:42:00] Fuel quantity increased to 23608 kg from 22836 kg
[12:42:01] Fuel quantity increased to 23133 kg from 22560 kg
[12:54:33] Pushing back with 22641 kg of fuel
[12:54:50] Engine 2 is on
[12:55:01] Engine 2 is off
[12:55:02] Engine 2 is on
[12:55:03] Engine 2 is off
[12:55:03] Engine 2 is on
[12:55:03] Engine 2 is off
[12:55:04] Engine 2 is on
[12:55:04] Engine 2 is off
[12:55:04] Engine 2 is on
[12:55:04] Engine 2 is off
[12:55:05] Engine 2 is on
[12:55:05] Engine 2 is off
[12:55:05] Engine 2 is on
[12:55:05] Engine 2 is off
[12:55:05] Engine 2 is on
[12:55:05] Engine 2 is off
[12:55:06] Engine 2 is on
[12:55:52] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:00] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:00] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:00] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:01] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:01] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:02] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:02] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:04] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:04] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:05] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:05] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:05] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:05] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:07] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:07] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:07] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:07] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:08] Engine 1 is on
[12:56:08] Engine 1 is off
[12:56:08] Engine 1 is on
[12:58:39] Taxiing to runway
[12:59:56] Flaps set to position 1
[13:01:33] Flaps set to position 2
[13:04:00] Taking off
[13:04:21] Climbing, pitch: 12, roll: level, 161 kts
[13:04:25] Gear lever raised at 139 ft at 159 kts
[13:05:25] Flaps set to position 1 at 2289 ft at 224 kts
[13:06:46] Flaps set to position 0 at 6998 ft at 248 kts
[13:18:18] Cruising at 38000ft, pitch: 2, 452 kts
[14:09:28] Descending
[14:26:18] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[14:26:33] Speed corrected at 9630 ft after a max speed of 260 kts
[14:27:28] Approaching
[14:32:18] Flaps set to position 2 at 2546 ft at 196 kts
[14:32:44] Final approach, 206 kts
[14:33:31] Flaps set to position 4 at 1782 ft at 193 kts
[14:33:34] Flaps set to position 5 at 1795 ft at 192 kts
[14:33:52] Gear lever lowered at 1761 ft at 189 kts
[14:34:29] Flaps set to position 6 at 1135 ft at 167 kts
[14:34:55] Flaps set to position 8 at 737 ft at 143 kts
[14:36:10] Touched down at -158 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 4, roll: level, 128 kts
[14:36:35] Landed in 3427 ft, fuel: 12314 kg, weight: 194637 kg
[14:36:35] Taxiing to gate
[14:37:19] Flaps set to position 6
[14:37:27] Flaps set to position 5
[14:37:41] Flaps set to position 4
[14:37:51] Flaps set to position 2
[14:38:01] Flaps set to position 1
[14:38:33] Flaps set to position 0
[14:42:24] The flight may now be ended
[14:42:24] Arrived, flight duration: 01:31
[14:43:38] Engine 2 is off
[14:43:50] Engine 1 is off