PIREP Review Wall
Flight Operations | Pakistan International Airlines Virtual © 2025

Points Distribution

Criteria Points
Hard Landing
Distance between 2001-9999NM
Pushback Detected from gate
Points for performing flight from base
Engine 2 Started First
Engines Shutdown detected
Flight Length - Hours Between 6 and 8 hours
Flight In / Out of Focus Airport
Flown Online on VATSIM

Points Ratings

4.1 / 5

Total Points : 450

PIREP Rating

Poor performance, get back to the books Captain.

69 %


1 % $


14 %

Landing Smoothness


VHHH/07R N0502F320 PECA1X PECAN V10 SIKOU/K0930S0980 A202 ASSAD/K0926F320 A206 NALAO/N0499F320 A206 LPB B465 MDY/N0497F340 B465 CEA Q20 JJS A791 PRA A325 TASOP/N0482F360 A325 PARET A454 VUSET N571 IVOXI P699 EGTAG N566 RORON M430 TOSNA TOSN1R OTHH/34R

PIREP Comments

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smartCARS version, 2023/4/7 UTC
[14:32:12] Preflight started, flying on VATSIM
[14:32:12] Flying Boeing 747-8F Qatar Airways Cargo
[14:34:49] Fuel quantity increased to 95530 kg from 93619 kg
[14:34:56] Fuel quantity increased to 101261 kg from 89798 kg
[14:34:57] Fuel quantity increased to 103172 kg from 101261 kg
[14:34:58] Fuel quantity increased to 114635 kg from 103172 kg
[14:35:03] Fuel quantity increased to 110814 kg from 95529 kg
[14:35:08] Fuel quantity increased to 109732 kg from 105083 kg
[14:35:17] Fuel quantity increased to 107978 kg from 101261 kg
[14:35:29] Fuel quantity increased to 107127 kg from 105911 kg
[14:35:43] Fuel quantity increased to 106701 kg from 101778 kg
[14:35:53] Fuel quantity increased to 107005 kg from 106701 kg
[14:36:01] Fuel quantity increased to 152925 kg from 101839 kg
[14:36:06] Fuel quantity increased to 107035 kg from 101565 kg
[14:37:30] Fuel quantity increased to 108338 kg from 103172 kg
[14:37:43] Fuel quantity increased to 103628 kg from 103202 kg
[14:37:44] Fuel quantity increased to 107882 kg from 103628 kg
[14:37:48] Fuel quantity increased to 103597 kg from 103202 kg
[14:37:49] Fuel quantity increased to 107578 kg from 103597 kg
[14:37:53] Fuel quantity increased to 103567 kg from 103202 kg
[14:37:54] Fuel quantity increased to 107274 kg from 103567 kg
[14:37:57] Fuel quantity increased to 103597 kg from 103202 kg
[14:37:58] Fuel quantity increased to 107426 kg from 103597 kg
[14:58:45] Pushing back with 107426 kg of fuel
[14:59:46] Engine 4 is on
[14:59:46] Engine 3 is on
[14:59:47] Engine 2 is on
[14:59:47] Engine 1 is on
[15:05:55] Flaps set to position 1
[15:06:05] Flaps set to position 2
[15:06:19] Flaps set to position 3
[15:06:25] Taxiing to runway
[15:14:06] Taking off
[15:14:39] Climbing, pitch: 9, roll: 1 degrees right, 188 kts
[15:14:52] Gear lever raised at 522 ft at 208 kts
[15:15:33] Flaps set to position 1 at 2932 ft at 225 kts
[15:15:43] Flaps set to position 0 at 3163 ft at 249 kts
[15:15:46] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:16:52] Speed corrected at 4940 ft after a max speed of 290 kts
[15:36:27] Sim paused
[15:36:44] Sim unpaused
[15:41:02] Sim paused
[15:41:39] Sim unpaused
[15:46:09] Cruising at 36000ft, pitch: 4, 493 kts
[22:32:53] Sim paused
[23:00:16] Sim paused
[23:00:17] Sim paused
[23:00:49] Sim paused
[23:00:51] Sim paused
[23:02:12] Sim paused
[23:02:28] Sim paused
[23:03:17] Sim unpaused
[23:03:20] Descending
[23:22:12] Approaching
[23:28:43] Flaps set to position 1 at 2550 ft at 226 kts
[23:28:55] Final approach, 221 kts
[23:30:13] Gear lever lowered at 1643 ft at 215 kts
[23:30:31] Flaps set to position 2 at 952 ft at 197 kts
[23:30:59] Flaps set to position 3 at 359 ft at 160 kts
[23:31:07] Flaps set to position 6 at 160 ft at 155 kts
[23:31:51] Touched down at -516 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 8, roll: 1 degrees right, 141 kts
[23:32:23] Flaps set to position 1
[23:32:25] Flaps set to position 0
[23:32:34] Landed in 6172 ft, fuel: 23471 kg, weight: 319270 kg
[23:32:34] Taxiing to gate
[23:32:38] The flight may now be ended
[23:32:38] Taxi time was less than 15 seconds
[23:32:38] Arrived, flight duration: 07:47
[23:34:15] Engine 4 is off
[23:34:15] Engine 3 is off
[23:34:16] Engine 2 is off
[23:34:16] Engine 1 is off